USA News

The White House welcomed the extension of the spying law on foreign citizens of the United States

According to Khabaronline, Jake Sullivansaid today that the US Senate has approved a bill to amend and extend Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which authorizes electronic surveillance of citizens outside the United States.

Last week, this bill was approved by the House of Representatives of the Congress, which caused the law to be extended for 2 years instead of the 5 years that was initially considered.

According to IRNA, citing Sputnik, in a statement issued by the White House, Sullivan welcomed the approval of the American Security and Intelligence Amendment Act in the Senate of the Congress and said that the president will soon sign this law.

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows the United States government to conduct targeted surveillance of citizens outside the United States.

Although the Congress declared the American government's surveillance of foreign citizens legal, many investigations have shown that the White House has already carried out surveillance and espionage actions thousands of times outside of its country in different countries.


Mhd Narayan

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