
Tughrel Bey's biography and the story of his rise to power

Tughrel Bey, biography of Toghrel Bey, biography of Toghrel BeyTughrel Beyk He was the first sultan and the founder of the Seljuk dynasty

The Seljuk king who was considered one of the Seljuk Turkmens; Tughral Beyk had a name He was looking for a suitable pasture and traveled to Iran and Khorasan through Fararod. Sultan Masoud of Ghaznavi opposed him, but because he was engaged in wars in India; Toghral was defeated in Dandanghan war and the Ghaznavids were disbanded.

An abstract of Tughrel Bey's biography

Name: Rakn al-Din Abu Talib Tughrel bin Mikael bin Seljuq

Born: 385 lunar month

Religion: Islam, Sunni

Iranian nationality

Died: 2 Ramadan 455 lunar year

Tomb: Ray

Biography of Tughrel Beyk

The first sultan and founder of the dynasty The Seljuks His name was Tughrel Beyk Abu Talib Muhammad bin Mikael (455-385 AH/1063-993 AD). Among the territories that he ruled for 26 years, we can mention Great Khorasan, Transylvania, Iran Plateau and neighboring lands such as South Caucasus, Iraq, part of Anatolia and part of Greater Armenia.

Tughrel Bey's marriage

Tughrel Beyk Despite the Caliph's objections between 452-455 AH. He married the Khalifa's daughter despite many events and problems.

Introduction of the Seljuk dynasty

The second dynasty of Turkish descent was named Seljuqian, the year of its establishment dates back to 1037 AD, and the duration of this dynasty was 157 years. The Seljuq dynasty ruled over large parts of Western Asia and Iran. The first king of the Seljuk dynasty was Sultan Tughrel Seljuk, who brought Iran under his rule by overthrowing the Ghaznavid government. Agriculture flourished during this time and also Iran reached its greatest extent after Islam.

The Turkmen Ghazs were considered the Seljuks who lived around the Khorezm (Aral) Lake, Syr Darya and Amu Darya during the Samanid era.

In Neishabur, the establishment of the famous and powerful Seljuk dynasty took place. Therefore, the city of Neishabur in Khorasan was known as the first capital of this dynasty. The capital of the Seljuk state was transferred to the city of Isfahan through Neishabur with the rise of Tughrel and his rule over the whole of Iran and beyond the Nile and then Iraq, and Isfahan was considered the main and the first administrative-political capital of the Seljuks until the end of the Seljuks' establishment.

In ancient Khorasan or present-day Turkmenistan, there was a city called Merv, which was one of the prominent capitals of the Seljuk government, but the city of Ray was considered the last capital of this dynasty of Iranian Turks. Other prominent cities and states of the Seljuk period include Hamedan, Baghdad, Bahrain, Kerman, Oman, Konya, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Shiraz.

Gaining power of the Seljuks / the beginning of the Seljuks

According to the system of the first Turkic empire, the territory and lands of the empire were under the control of Khaqan and Yabgha (senior members of the ruling family). Therefore, the role of the main leader and guide was given to Tughrel Bey and Choghari Bey Dawood, and both names were mentioned simultaneously in the sermons and were printed on the coins. The residence of one of them was in Neishabur, while the other was in Merv. The Sultanate of Tughrel was recognized by the Seljuk elders after the end of the battle of Dandanghan, and according to the political system of the Turks, Tughrel assumed the position of Khaqan, and Cheghri, under the title of Yabgha, took over Sultan Tughrel's sovereignty and authority despite the authority in his sphere of power. accepted and obeyed him. According to some, their position is the same. According to their tradition, after entering Iran, the Seljuqs divided the conquered areas and used those areas among their elders and their rulers as great residences. were sent In this way, each of the Seljuq leaders and their brothers and nephews started receiving the areas under their control and Tughrel was elected as the owner of Iraq Ajam (central Iran).

The first king of the Seljuk period was named Tughrel Bey, whose reign in Neishabur dates back to 429 AH. The Seljuqs, led by Tughrel, fought with the Ghaznavids in several stages, after the death of Mahmud of Ghaznavi and the rise of Sultan Masoud. Finally, the campaign of the Ghaznavids in Greater Khorasan and the surrounding areas was wrapped up with the victory of the Seljuks in the Battle of Dandangan (431 AH) and the Seljuks entered the Iranian plateau as a new power. In the meantime, Tughral expanded his land with the help of his brother and relatives by settling in Neishabur as the capital and founded the Seljuk dynasty.

After the Battle of Dandanghan, Tughrel, accompanied by the Seljuk leaders, sent a letter to the Abbasid caliph named Al-Qaim Bamarullah. Therefore, an important relationship between the two governments began with the request for a government charter and receiving a favorable response from the Caliph. He resorted to the military campaign and the use of force and help of Ibrahim Yenal between 432-446 AH. A.H. captured large areas of Iran, which included Iraq, Ajam and Jabal; After that, Al Boyeh's rule ended in this land. He chose this city as his capital after the conquest of Ray and its reconstruction, but after the conquest of Isfahan in 443 AH. A.H. chose it as his capital and conquered that land by attacking Azerbaijan and expanded his territory by campaigning in the lands of Eastern Rome and Byzantine Armenia.

Seljuk Tughrel Bey, biography of Tughrel Bey, characteristics of Tughrel BeyTughrel Bey ruled for 26 years

In 447 A.H. Q. Tughrel opened a new page in the relations between the Seljuqs and the Abbasids by accepting the invitation of the Abbasid caliph to travel to Baghdad, and achieved a high position with his actions in that place.

Tughrel Beyk's personality traits

One of Tughrel's personality traits is his religiousness and faith, and he has built many buildings, including a mosque and a school. His bigotry in the Hanafi religion made him, along with his minister Omid al-Molk Kandari, narrow the arena to other Islamic religions. According to some sources, Tughral Bey was just and averse to bloodshed, but despite this, the cruel and inappropriate actions of him and his troops have been mentioned in a number of sources. The personality of Omid al-Molk Kandari was considered as one of the success factors of Tughrel; Because this person had a lot of contribution in the development of Toghral due to providing guidance and his Iranshahri ideas.

Ministers of Tughrel

Among the ministers of Tughrel, we can mention Aba Ahmad Dehestani, Abul Qasim Kurbani and Umid al-Mulk Abu Nasr Kandari, among these people, Umid al-Mulk had a special expertise in wisdom and knowledge, tact and politics.

The death of Tughrel Beyk

Finally, Tughrel died without having any successor in 455 AH at the age of 70 and was buried in a place called Tughrel Tower. He left a vast land as an inheritance for future generations; Because his brother (Jaghri Bey) had died before him. Elb Arslan, who was the nephew of Tughrel; After the death of Tughrel Beyk, he was elected as the ruler of the Seljuq dynasty.

Tomb of Tughrel Beyk

In Tehran province, east of the tomb of Ibn Babouyeh in the city of Ray, there is a tower called the Taghral Tower, which belongs to the Seljuk period. According to some texts, this place is called Burj Khalifa Yazid, which is about 20 meters high and 16 meters in diameter (not including the conical dome that has been destroyed today). According to some experts, this tower is similar to the hands of a clock and they recognize the time based on the sunlight on its congresses. The shape and design of the architecture of the Seljuq period is diverse, one of these shapes is the Toghrel tower in the shape of a tomb tower with cracks and its exterior is cracked. The most beautiful works of the Seljuk period are Toghrel Tower. The external plan of this tower is a 24-pointed star, and the prominent triangular cracks form its body. The interior of this tower is made in the form of a circle, and a cylinder covered with bricks forms its body.

Where is Tughrel Bey's Tomb, Tughrel Bey Seljuk Tower?Toghrel Bey is buried in a place known as Toghrel Tower

compilation: Cover biographical section

Mhd Narayan

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