Asia & Pacific News

America accused China of helping Russia in the war

Senior US officials have again claimed that China is supporting Russia's war effort in Ukraine by helping Moscow in its “biggest military build-up” since the Soviet era, providing drone and missile technology, satellite imagery and machinery.

According to Isna, despite this accusation, the Chinese Embassy in the United States announced that it has not provided weapons to any side in the Ukraine war, and added that it is “not the originator or party to the conflict in the Ukraine crisis.”

The officials, who did not want to be named, told Reuters news agency that US President Joe Biden discussed the issue with Chinese President Xi Jinping in a recent phone call, and that it is an issue with US allies in Europe and around the world. it was discussed.

One official claimed that the Chinese items would fill critical gaps in Russia's defense production cycle and help Moscow carry out “its most ambitious defense development since the Soviet era and on a faster timetable than was possible earlier in the conflict.” »

“Our view is that one of the most transformative moves available now to support Ukraine is to convince China to stop helping Russia rebuild its military industrial base,” the official said. “Russia will struggle to maintain its war effort without the People's Republic of China.”

In response to these accusations, the spokesperson of the Chinese embassy told Reuters news agency that normal trade between China and Russia should not be interfered with or these relations should not be restricted. Liu Pengyu said, “We ask the American side to refrain from humiliating and sacrificing the normal relations between China and Russia.”

The Chinese government has previously complained about anti-Chinese rhetoric during Biden's recent talks with the leaders of Japan and the Philippines, a charge the White House denies.

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source: ISNA

Mhd Narayan

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