USA News

American senator's criticism of the approval of foreign aid bills

According to Tasnim International News Agency, Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin criticized the US House of Representatives for passing foreign aid bills and said: “Congress has allocated money for these bills that we don't have.”

During an interview, he added: Instead of sending foreign aid to other countries, America should focus on ensuring the security of its borders.

Johnson emphasized that we should borrow more to finance this budget and rob the future of our children by more than 100 billion. We spent nearly $900 billion on defense, but every time it seems that with some type of defense measure, we have to do complementary things.

He clarified, “I think the point that most of us should pay attention to is that most Americans believe that we should secure our borders before spending more than 100 billion dollars, and we should not use the future of our children to help secure it.” Violate the security of the borders of other countries.

Johnson made these statements while Today Saturday, the House of Representatives finally approved the aid of 60.84 billion dollars to Ukraine with 311 votes in favor and 112 votes against..

The bill will now go to the Democratic-controlled Senate, where it will likely be approved by allies of Joe Biden's administration..

This plan has been undecided for months due to the strong opposition of some Republican lawmakers in Congress.

These aids will mean the provision of artillery ammunition and air defense missiles. The Kyiv government, which desperately needs these aids, has repeatedly asked the US Congress to approve them, as it has declared these aids to be a matter of life and death for Ukraine.

Also, the US House of Representatives approved the aid of 26.38 billion dollars to the Israel regime with 366 votes in favor against 58 votes against.. In addition, $8 billion was earmarked for America's friendly and allied countries in the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan, and an amount for humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza and other war-torn areas. Laws related to US national security were also approved, including the possible ban of the Tik Tok social network.

Johnson expressed concern about the administration's inability to debate the aid in the Senate, noting that he sympathizes with the people of Ukraine in defending themselves against Russian and Israeli aggression.

The senator concluded that he will not support the bill whenever it reaches the Senate.

end of message/

Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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