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American Star movie review John Wick of deprived areas

the story of a murderer; The story of a duty officer whose humanity blossoms in the end. We may have seen this plot thousands of times.


American Star also deals with the same issue. with the difference that it tries to be a taboo breaker. It tries to have drama instead of action. It tries to create an atmosphere where the serious cinema viewer can immerse himself in its calm and professional environment. But American Star not only can't do that, he can't even set his camera in the right scene. American Star is, in the most polite way possible, a very bad work, bored with negativity.

American Star movie review  John Wick of the Deprived Regions - Gymfa

Maybe the friends who read this review have opened the page hoping to have a general assessment of the atmosphere of the movie and to know whether the movie is worth watching or not. To save you trouble, friends, the answer is very simple: American Star is not worth watching at all. Even if you are very, very unemployed, it is still not worth watching. Well, if you got the answer you were looking for, join me a little more so that we can write a little more seriously about cinema and explore the world of American Star.

Personally, I am one of the contacts who attach great importance to camera technique. Not that I am a technician, no; But if a work does not even know how to place its camera correctly, it means that neither the filmmaker nor others know anything about cinema and have come to waste our time. They are ready to make up for the emptiness of their lives by making movies. The director of American Star is also among the same group of filmmakers. Actually, cinema does not understand. Even the camera does not understand. It means that he did not take time to learn it. At the very beginning of the film, everything about him is revealed. The main character played by Ian McShane comes out of the airport. The camera follows him and in the background the sound of the plane and so on is heard. The character gets into the car and when the car door is closed, the sound of the plane and the airport is also cut off, while the camera does not cut into the car, so it is wrong to cut the sound in the decoupage of this scene. Of course, this is not the only technical problem of the director's camera. The camera repeatedly breaks the imaginary line and disrupts the image coherence. The director uses the fisheye lens several times by mistake and due to incompetence. A very, very wide lens that is not useful for this film at all and could show the space to the audience only with a long shot and extreme long shot. I don't want to take more of your precious time and bore you with camera technical issues, so I will quickly skip this topic with the message that the director of the American Star movie does not understand the camera technique at all and does not know what camera should be used when and where use.

American Star movie review  John Wick of the Deprived Regions - Gymfa

The respected filmmaker American Star has tried to have a groundbreaking effect in his main effort. With a different performance, he tried not to make an action film about a murderer, but a quiet and quiet work without any action. Maybe in a general perspective, this action of the director looks good, but not every taboo is good. American Star is very quiet. A dull and boring drama that you can't relate to in any way. A work that is not about a killer at all. It is about a lonely retired old man and his walks. Of course, it should be noted that American Star is good when it comes to walking its main character. Although the camera is wrong and there is no form behind these walks, but to a very small extent, American Star can give an idea of ​​the atmosphere of this tourist town by walking its main character. Walking with character in this city is enjoyable. But the problem is that the movie about a secret agent is probably MI6. About a murder. So these walks in combination with the plot of the film are very bad. Because after a while these walks become repetitive and do not give any knowledge to the audience. The film tries very hard to give an understanding of the story and characters through the dialogue of its characters, but it fails in this task as well. It is not clear who this old man is until the end of the film. Why did he come here and who is the target and most importantly why? Who is the girl with the head in the air? Who is his brother's son? All these things are not made until the end, and this issue takes away the experience of coexistence from the audience. We don't get along with the work because we don't know the characters, goals, etc.

American Star movie review  John Wick of the Deprived Regions - Gymfa

As I wrote, the general atmosphere of American Star is quiet. The director also tries to fill this space with several characters. First, a black boy is added to the picture. He communicates a little with the main character and repeats the same stories. But for the serious construction of this character; His parents must have been well made. But the only thing we know and see about this child is that he is sitting in front of the door, his parents are arguing very superficially and… everything about this child is typical.

The second character is a local girl named Gloria, who is one of the suspects in the case. His being a suspect is not made either. It is not at all clear what he did wrong. On the other hand, it sticks very superficially to the old man in our story. He sees him by chance. Would he be friends with him and hug him? What kind of joke is this? On the other hand, the old man in our story looks at him in the eyes of his daughter! The relationship between these two is very superficial and bad.

In that corner of American Star, there is another secret agent who seems to be the brother's son or the son of the main character's best friend. Most importantly, the brigade does not have a secret agent. It's more like a crumbly loaf of bread. He is passive and redundant and remains redundant until the end.

After all these characters, there is another character that was really extra. Gloria's mother character. Intellectual old woman. Someone who really didn't need to be there. His arrival was not a special event. Just like that, he came, danced and left.

Now that the actor and characters are discussed, I would like to add that Ian McShane is a good actor. Either in Pirates of the Caribbean, or in John Wick, or in the Deadwood series. He has been successful in all the works he has acted in and he has found the subject of acting. Also good at American Star. Voice, type, behavior and looks. Everything is good and adequate. The only problem is that neither his acting nor his character is that of a killer. Not like a secret agent. He looks like a retired and melancholic writer. Of course, it should be noted that American Star has this one good actor. After him, there are no actors or characters in the movie.

Serious cinema audiences know that cinema means suspense. Cinema means a feeling and after this feeling to achieve coexistence with the atmosphere of the film. So with this formula, American Star is not a movie. It is quite the opposite. The effect took one and a half hours and finally everything ends with a shock. (spoiler alert) Gloria enters the house and comes across the dead body of the prime suspect. Suddenly he himself is killed! Why? Why was Gloria killed? Does that mean it was so dangerous? So why was he not depicted as dangerous? On the other hand, why did the old man kill his brother's son? Revenge? Whose revenge? Who was Gloria for him?

American Star movie review  John Wick of the Deprived Regions - Gymfa

In the end, it can be said that the movie American Star is a very superficial and non-cinematic work that cannot be watched in any way and bores its audience. It has neither action nor drama. His killer is very bad and superficial. John Wick of the deprived areas. It's really funny and ridiculous. In summary of the entire review: American Star is bad.


Source: Gamefa

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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