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Arteta: City-Liverpool has nothing to do with me

News code: 2007310
March 17, 1402 at 20:06

2point of view

On the eve of Arsenal's game against Brentford, Mikel Arteta said that he will watch the big game between City and Liverpool, but his focus is only on the Gunners' game against Brentford.

Arteta: City-Liverpool has nothing to do with me

According to “Varesh Se”, while the Premier League championship course between Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester City has reached its most critical and decisive days, Mikel Arteta's team will face Brentford in a very important match on Saturday.

A day later we will witness the biggest game of the season between City and Liverpool. A meeting whose result will certainly be very important for Arsenal

At the press conference before the match against Brentford, Arteta mentioned the match between City and Liverpool as a beautiful game and said that he will watch and enjoy it one hundred percent. He remained silent in response to numerous questions about what result he would like to see in this game and said that this game has nothing to do with him and his team and he will not comment on it. ,


Persepolis BoltThe latest news of the injured?
There are no particular news. Last Monday some came back and Martinelli and Boccaio had little problems. We really hope they get to Brentford, but we have to see how they are tomorrow. ,

Persepolis BoltWhat happened in January when Arsenal won every game by five or six goals?
Before the January break, we had a very hard time and were too tired. We needed rest. The weather, air temperature and time for rest worked hand in hand to improve the team's conditions. We won the first games and after that we won back to back with great games. ,

Persepolis BoltWill this season be your turning point in Arsenal?
To be honest, it was a very good season. The energy of the team and the relationship between the kids, the time we spent together and the joy we all get from being in this team made this season a special season for us. ,

Persepolis BoltIf you win against Brentford, you might be the leader. Do you see the game between Liverpool and City?
The only thing in our control is winning our own game. We must perform well and play better than the opponent. If this happens, there will be a beautiful game for every football fan on Sunday and I will definitely watch it. ,

Persepolis BoltIs the result of the City-Liverpool game important to you?
The result is not in my control. I enjoy a great game between two of the best teams in Europe and the last decade. But our focus is on ourselves and the Brentford game

Persepolis BoltWhich team do you want to win?
Either in my heart or in public, I don't prefer any of them to the other because it has nothing to do with me. ,

Persepolis BoltDoes the fact that you can put City and Liverpool under pressure with a win against Brentford give you more motivation?
We know what a tough opponent Brentford is and we know what is expected of us. It is also a fact that we have not reached where we want to be and we want to improve. If we want to reach our goal, we have to keep winning. ,

Persepolis BoltCan we assume that you would like City and Liverpool to end in a draw?
Look, the truth is, it's none of my business. I sit at home with my children and enjoy watching the game. ,

Source: Varzesh3

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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