Europe News

Denmark also stopped the investigation into the Nord Stream explosion

According to the international group of Tasnim news agency, Germany, Sweden and Denmark have stopped their investigation into the explosion in the Nord Stream pipelines.

In this way, Denmark, like Sweden, which did this action a while ago, has closed its investigation into the explosion in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. Danish police said: There are no sufficient grounds to pursue criminal proceedings in Denmark.

Earlier this month, Sweden closed its investigation into the blasts, saying it had no jurisdiction over the case. Investigative officials in Stockholm passed on the information they found to their German counterparts. Germany's Federal Public Prosecutor's Office continues to investigate, but has yet to release any results.

In September 2022, three of the four pipes of these gas transmission lines were damaged by a series of explosions in the economic zones of Sweden and Denmark. Large amounts of methane were released into the air. Then Russia and the West blamed each other.

In response to the suspension of the Danish government's investigation into the explosions of the Nord Stream gas lines, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that this action is close to stupidity.

Peskov also stated that “Moscow will monitor Germany's decisions to investigate the Nord Stream incident”, adding that Russia had repeatedly requested information from Denmark about the Nord Stream investigation, and the other side had refused; It is not possible to receive information right now.

The operator of the Nord Stream pipeline on September 27, 2022 (5 Mehr 1401) announced “unprecedented damage” to three loops of the Nord Stream submarine pipelines. In addition, Swedish Seismology announced that on September 26, 2022 (4 Mehr 1401), two explosions were recorded along the Nord Stream pipelines. After this incident, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia opened a criminal case with charges of international terrorism. Germany, Denmark and Sweden announced the start of their internal investigations, but refused to involve Russia in these investigations.

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Mhd Narayan

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