
The biography of Democritus and the interpretation of his atomic view of the world

Democritus, biography of Democritus, biography of DemocritusDemocrat

A scientist who studied the world from an atomic point of view Democrat There were not many works left by him. The details of this scientist's activity have been obtained through the writings of Greek researchers.

A summary of the biography of Democritus:

Full name: Democritus, Democritus

Date of birth: around 460 BC

Place of birth: Abdera, Western Thrace, Greece

Profession: scientist and philosopher

Claim to fame: Creating an atomic perspective

Other names: Smiling scientist

Died: about 370 BC (about 90 years old)

Democritus, biography of Democritus, theories of DemocritusBiography of Democritus

Biography of Democritus:

Democritus was born around 460 BC in Abdar, Western Thrace and Greece. According to what he himself states about his birth date: “I was young during the old age of Anaxagoras.” So his birth is between 430 and 460 BC. The meaning of his name is chosen by the people, and he was also known as Demokratis, he was one of the last Greek philosophers before Socrates, who played the most important role in expanding Leucippus's thoughts about atom has orientation

This scientist made many trips to learn science, which include eastern and southern lands. According to what historians believe, Democritus was in Egypt for some time and it is certain that he also traveled to Iran, that is why many scholars and orientalists consider Democritus to be the direct student of Ostanos, who is called Houshtane in Persian. It is known that he was taught the theory of the indestructibility of the atom from an Iranian professor.

After these trips, he returned to Abdar and became familiar with the thoughts of Leucippus. When the school of atomism became famous, he made a trip to Athens and his contemporary Protagoras was welcomed in Athens with great enthusiasm, but Democritus says that “I I went to Athens and no one recognized me.”

For a long time, the philosophy of Democritus was not noticed, Brent states in this regard: “It is not clear that Plato knew about Democritus, but Aristotle knew him well. Diogenes Laertius writes that Plato hated Democritus so much that he wanted to burn all his books.

Democritus, biography of Democritus, Democritus the philosopherDemocritus, Western philosopher and scientist

Democratic spirit:

In ancient Greece, Democritus was called the laughing philosopher because he emphasized the value of happiness. Democritus was always ready to welcome life, he used positive thinking and he used the pleasures of life along with balance. Hence, the Epicurean moral system is actually the same as Democratic ethics.

Democratic ideas:

Atomic Theory:

The word atom comes from the Greek word Atomon, which means inseparable, and Dalton confirmed this issue 2000 years later by using the same word in his treatise, but it must be said that Democritus was not the first person to discover this issue. His teacher Leucippus and Anaxagoras had paid attention to the concept of inseparable particles.

Although Democritus is the first person who proposed comprehensive discussions regarding the priority of the atom in the formation of the universe. Although many aspects of Democritus' theory were not based on scientific evidence and consisted of simple ideas like Dalton's hypotheses, they are still valid.

Democritus, Democritus' biography, Democritus' atomic theory Atomic theory of Democritus

Existence of atoms and vacuum:

Democritus states that there are only two things that consist of space and atoms. Space is an infinitely large vacuum or void that contains an infinite number of atoms of existence or the material world. Since objects cannot be made from nothing; Atoms and space have always existed and will always exist.

Atoms are the constituent parts of everything that is on earth, also other planets and stars are made of this element and are always considered to be solid, impenetrable and an invisible piece that has not changed. Atoms are related to each other in space so that they can create other objects such as rocks, plants and animals. When these bodies are dead or disintegrated, they will undergo structural decomposition, as a result of which their atoms are free and recombine into different forms and create new beings with other atoms.

Democritus said that the way atoms are connected to each other is through their different shapes. Since all atoms have the same constituent material, it is believed that the atoms in liquids have smooth and round edges and because of this they will be able to slide on each other, but in contrast to the atoms that make up solids, they have jagged edges and They are hard to hook with each other and do not change shape.

Democritus stated that just as atoms differ from each other in physical forms, the observed differences in objects can also be seen, which can be justified through the shape of the edges of atoms.

It can be explained about the taste; Sweet flavors are created by big round atoms and sharp and heavy atoms. Similarly, the color of objects is explained by the position of atoms within a compound, which results in darker or lighter shades.

Democrite's theory is remarkable because it completely negates spiritual and religious concepts. For example, the soul is created through a group of atoms with high speed and a round body, and it can be explained in this way. These atoms will react to the disturbance of other atoms inside and outside that object. This reaction also creates an emotional state that interacts with the mind for thoughts, emotions, and more.

Democritus claims that when a person dies, the soul is freed and will exist because that which holds the moving atoms together; It has been isolated. Since the atoms are freed, they can separate and interact with other atoms to form new entities. This leaves no room for abstract ideas of the supernatural or the afterlife.

Democritus, biography of Democritus, interpretation of Democritus' atomic viewDemocritus and the theory of atom and vacuum

Believable Algebra:

The theory of freedom of choice cannot have a place in the model presented by Democritus, all human behavior will be affected by the atoms in the human body. What man has done or will do does not come from a big plan, but is due to the collision and movement of atoms with each other in an empty space, so there is no room left for man's free will.

Mathematical Legacy:

Although many parts of Democrit's theory have been scrutinized, Dashmand is one of the first to try to describe the universe with a number of simple physical and mathematical laws. This issue can express an important change in human thinking in such a way that it is towards human thinking and it will be a belief that has occupied the minds of scientists until now.

Democritus is a scientist who has the honor of discovering the law of mathematics; So that he was able to state that the volume of a cone is one third of the volume of a cylinder, on the other hand, he also proved the relationship between a pyramid and a prism.

Democritus and the new science:

Regarding the thoughts of Democritus, the remarkable thing is the similarities that refer to today's scientists, or even perhaps it can be said that the views of this philosopher were adopted by scientists such as John Dalton English was raised again after two thousand years. John Dalton's theory is completely consistent with Democritus' opinion, this theory includes that all matter is made of atoms and that atoms are indivisible.

Atoms will connect to each other and create a compound. On the other hand, there is a distance between the atoms, which is the vacuum or empty space in Democritus' theory. We see how influential this philosopher's thoughts have been until now.

Democritus was an intelligent philosopher who was known as the laughing philosopher due to his emphasis on living life with joy and pleasure, as well as paying attention to divine blessings in a balance far from austerity. Democritus put an end to Greek philosophy by designing the theory of atomism and created a great revolution in the field of philosophy and science.

Although he believed that everything in nature is smooth, he believed that inside everything smooth, there are fixed and unchangeable things, which are atoms.

With his atomic theory, he considers only the atom and the vacuum to be the reality of the universe, and considers the rest of the surrounding objects to be imaginary, which will be the result of the movement and surface mobility of atoms, and as you can see, Democritus' thoughts have been very influential until the present time.

Democritus, the biography of Democritus, the influence of Democritus' theory on new scienceThe influence of Democrite's theory on new science

Democrat's feeling and theory:

You may have a question, what is the feeling of duty according to the theory of democracy?

Democritus' answer to this issue is as follows: when we feel or perceive something, it is due to the movement of atoms in space. Sensory perception, according to Democritus, are particles that are emitted from an object outside our mind and are dispersed in the air like flower pollen.

The collision of these particles and their effect on the atoms of the power of perception can lead to sensory perception. The reason we are able to see that apple tree is that the atoms of that tree are scattered in space and hit our eyes.

compilation: Cover biographical section

Mhd Narayan

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