
How Covid-19 Challenged Justin Trudeau's Position

The Prime Minister of Canada has the longest leadership period among the politicians of the Group of 7, but in recent months, many problems have challenged his position, and now his situation in the polls is not very favorable.

According to the political group of the Anna Science and Technology News Agency, the Politico news site in an analytical report discusses the latest situation of Justin Trudeau in the 17 months before the general election in Canada and emphasizes that the risk of the victory of Pierre Polivore, the populist and right-wing leader in this The country is high.

Although Trudeau is behind in the polls, he has not done anything to improve his situation, or if he has, it has not been very effective.

This issue is partly due to global efforts to deal with inflation and economic problems left over from the quarantine period of Covid-19, and populist leaders attract people in different countries by chanting popular slogans that have no economic or scientific basis. .

Trudeau has the longest leadership period among the G7 politicians, but in recent months, many problems have challenged his popularity, and now his situation in the polls is not very favorable.

This issue has led to speculations about the possibility of his resignation from power, however, no official statement has been heard in this regard, and political observers in Canada believe that the probability of this cannot be considered very high. However, Canadian domestic policy experts believe that there is only one or two more months left for this, because after that no new politician will have enough time to prepare for next year's elections.

Senator Percy Downe, a former senior adviser to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, asked Trudeau to step down last year. John Manley, the former finance minister at the time of the presidency, compared Trudeau's tenure with the comedy series Seinfeld and said that Trudeau's presence in power was something like a comedy, but he could not achieve success even to the extent of that popular series.

Mhd Narayan

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