
How should you use garlic to take advantage of its properties?

Properties of garlic: You should know that garlic is a very useful food that has been used for centuries because of its healing properties. This food is added to different foods. Garlic not only has many benefits for the health of the body, but also improves the health of the skin and hair. In this article from the health section of Cheshk news magazine, you will learn about the properties of medicinal plants with nutritional value and the properties of garlic for the health of the body, skin and hair.

Garlic and its nutritional value

Garlic is a herbaceous and permanent plant whose stem reaches a height of 40 cm. Its underground part is swollen and composed of 5 to 12 pieces and enclosed in thin and delicate gray-white membranes. Its leaves are narrow and dark green, and its flowers are small and pink, which appear as an umbrella at the end of the stem.

Garlic is rich in folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and a small amount of zinc and vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral. Among the different garlic products, garlic essential oil has a stronger antimicrobial effect, so that compared to garlic powder and fresh garlic, it has 200 and 900 times stronger antimicrobial effects, in addition, the use of garlic essential oil and extract in the food industry by the organization It has been declared safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

Garlic contains potassium and germanium, which improve health; Germanium can neutralize positive ions and increase the body’s energy level by facilitating blood flow and relieve pain and bruises in the body. Naturally, all cells in the human body contain germanium. The most important properties of garlic are related to allicin, allicin is an oily compound with a bright yellow color that gives garlic its special aroma. Allicin is also called garlic oil. The highest amount of allicin in garlic is 80% to 85%.

The nutritional value of a clove (three grams) of raw garlic is as follows;

  • Manganese: 2% of the daily requirement of the body
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the body’s daily requirement
  • Vitamin C: 1% of the body’s daily requirement
  • Selenium: 1% of the daily requirement of the body
  • Fiber: 0.06 grams

In addition, garlic contains a good amount of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1. The mentioned amount of garlic has 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrates.

Properties of garlic for body health

In the following, we will examine the properties of garlic for health.

It is useful in keeping blood pressure stable

Ripe garlic extract contains sulfur, which has been shown to effectively lower blood pressure. Lack of sulfur in the body is one of the causes of high blood pressure. Therefore, consuming foods containing sulfur can help keep blood pressure stable.

How to use

To lower blood pressure, consume raw or dried garlic every day.

Reduces bad cholesterol levels

American scientists have concluded that garlic extract supplementation can reduce the level of bad cholesterol or LDL in patients with high cholesterol by 10%. In animal studies conducted on rats, it was shown that garlic led to the synthesis of cholesterol in liver cells.

How to use

You can eat one to two cloves of raw garlic every day to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Researchers have concluded that garlic can prevent almost all cardiovascular diseases. This food item helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases by reducing the level of bad cholesterol, lipids and serum triglycerides, as well as increasing antioxidant activity. It has been shown that garlic is effective in fighting blood clots or arteriosclerosis.

How to use

Eat a clove of raw garlic in the morning to keep cardiovascular diseases away.

Improves bone health

An unhealthy lifestyle and aging can weaken bones, which puts you at risk for fractures and osteoporosis. Garlic has been shown to be helpful in fighting osteoporosis and arthritis. In an animal study, researchers gave rats garlic oil. The results of this study showed that this oil helped to improve the condition of the bones of mice.

How to use

Consume two to three cloves of raw garlic throughout the day to improve your bone health.

Relieves digestive diseases

If you suffer from digestive diseases, consider including garlic in your diet. Garlic differentiates between good and bad bacteria in the gut and has antibacterial effects on harmful enterobacteria. Scientists have concluded that garlic is helpful in fighting some types of infections.

How to use

Before breakfast, eat a clove of raw garlic with a glass of ice water or water at room temperature.

Regulates blood sugar

High blood sugar can make you susceptible to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. If you suffer from high blood sugar, you should add garlic to your diet. In an animal study, scientists examined raw and boiled garlic and concluded that raw garlic significantly reduced blood glucose levels. So instead of cooked garlic, eat raw garlic to lower your blood sugar.

How to use

If you have high blood sugar, take three to four cloves of raw garlic throughout the day.

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It reduces the risk of cancer

Garlic contains dialysulfide, which prevents oxidative stress. Selenium in it also fights cancer and prevents DNA mutation. If you want to reduce your risk of cancer, include garlic in your diet along with following a healthy lifestyle.

How to use

Eat at least one clove of garlic every morning.

It strengthens the immune system

Garlic contains compounds that are natural antioxidants. Antioxidants remove toxins from the body and reduce oxidative stress, which is useful in preventing various diseases. Researchers have also concluded that garlic helps to increase the types of immune system cells.

How to use

Eat one to two cloves of raw garlic every day to strengthen your immune system.

Helps manage diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder whose main cause is an unhealthy lifestyle. In an animal study, scientists fed rats food and concluded that the rats experienced a decrease in blood glucose and triglyceride levels and an increase in insulin sensitivity. If you have prediabetes or diabetes, eat garlic to lower your blood glucose levels and make your body sensitive to insulin.

How to use

To prevent or fight diabetes, eat two to three cloves of raw garlic.

Helps reduce yeast infections

Yeast infections are annoying and embarrassing. Garlic is a natural remedy for yeast infections. Scientists have concluded that fresh garlic extract is highly effective in fighting Candida fungal infections. Researchers in another study found that garlic helped treat candidal vaginitis.

How to use

Eat two to three cloves of raw garlic every day. Be careful not to use raw garlic topically.

It helps to treat urinary infections and kidney infections

Usually, cranberry juice is used to treat urinary tract infections, but garlic is also useful in this field. It has been shown that garlic is effective in fighting E.coli bacteria in the urinary tract and helps to treat kidney infection.

How to use

To prevent and fight urinary tract and kidney infections, eat three to four cloves of garlic.

It helps to treat asthma and colds

Garlic has been used for centuries to treat asthma and colds. If you massage garlic oil around the nose, throat and lungs, your chest congestion will be relieved. Scientists have also concluded that garlic can delay severe allergies associated with asthma and help treat colds.

How to use

To treat a cold, heat garlic oil and massage it on your body. You can eat two to three cloves of raw garlic to treat colds and asthma. Be sure to consult a doctor before consuming garlic.

Relieves cold sores

Cold sores or blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores are usually painful and appear around the lips, chin and nose. It is necessary to know that herpes is contagious. Garlic has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and may help treat colds. However, scientific evidence does not support this.

How to use

Eating one to two cloves of raw garlic a day is enough to treat herpes.

It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia

Garlic is said to protect you against dementia and Alzheimer’s. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic can help prevent neurological deterioration.

How to use

Consume three to four cloves of raw garlic every day.

It helps to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat garlic. Garlic increases thermogenesis and reduces bad cholesterol and thus is useful in weight loss.

How to use

Eat three to four cloves of raw garlic a day to lose weight.

Improves eye health

It may be hard to believe, but garlic has been shown to improve eye health. Scientists have concluded that the antimicrobial properties of garlic are effective in fighting the microbes that cause corneal inflammation.

How to use

Eat three to four cloves of raw garlic after breakfast and protect your eyes in this way.

Helps reduce ear infections

Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and thus may be useful in fighting ear infections. However, there is not enough scientific evidence in this field.

How to use

Eat two to three cloves of raw garlic to reduce inflammation and microbial infections. However, you should consult your doctor before consuming garlic to reduce ear infections.

It destroys pathogens in the mouth

Allicin in garlic has antimicrobial properties and helps to eliminate oral pathogens that lead to problems such as tooth decay. Scientists have investigated garlic extract as a mouthwash and concluded that it is useful in this regard. In fact, using toothpaste or mouthwash containing garlic extract can prevent tooth decay.

How to use

If you have toothache or tooth decay, chew a clove of raw garlic every day.

It improves the absorption of iron and zinc in the body

Iron and zinc are important for the proper functioning of a number of biological processes in the body. Garlic contains sulfur, which improves the bioavailability of iron and sulfur. Therefore, if you are deficient in iron or zinc, you should include garlic in your diet.

How to use

Eat one to two cloves of raw garlic to increase the absorption and bioavailability of iron and zinc.

May improve fatty liver disease

Accumulation of large amounts of fat in the liver can be fatal. Garlic has been shown to be beneficial against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Cysteine amino acid in garlic contains sulfur and helps to produce strong antioxidant glutathione and detoxify the body better.

How to use

Add one to two cloves of chopped raw garlic to your spinach smoothie to avoid fatty liver disease.

It helps to increase the life span

From the properties of garlic that we mentioned above, it is clear that the consumption of this food item strengthens the health of the body by protecting vital organs and improving the function of cells. This is why garlic can increase lifespan.

How to use

Eat two cloves of garlic every day to prolong your life.


Properties of garlic for the skin

Garlic can improve skin health and solve some skin problems. Next, we will talk about the properties of garlic for the skin.

May reduce acne

Garlic is a strong antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Since acne occurs due to the accumulation of toxins, clogged pores and bacterial infections, you can use garlic to heal it.

How to use

You can eat a clove of raw garlic with a glass of cool water. Also, keep your body hydrated and clean your skin every three hours so that impurities do not accumulate on it.

Relieves psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that causes symptoms such as redness, scaling, and itching of the skin. This disease usually affects the scalp, elbows and knees. Garlic does not cure psoriasis, but it helps reduce its symptoms. Psoriasis is caused by inflammation, and since garlic is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, many experts recommend it to people with psoriasis. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this.

How to use

Mix three cloves of raw garlic with leeks, broccoli and beet juice and eat.

Delays skin aging

Skin aging occurs due to stress, unhealthy habits, inflammation, etc. The compounds in garlic protect the skin from wrinkles and damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in garlic help reduce stress.

How to use

Mix a clove of raw garlic with honey and lime and eat it in the morning before breakfast. You can also add chopped raw garlic to water and eat it in the morning.

It fades stretch marks

People with stretch marks do everything they can to get rid of them. If you don’t take enough time to reduce stretch marks, this process will take a long time. Massaging garlic with heated olive oil or mustard oil may reduce stretch marks.

How to use

Heat some olive oil with two to three cloves of garlic. When the aroma of garlic comes out, remove it from the heat and let it cool down a bit. Then, as it is warm, massage it in circular motion on the desired areas.

Relieves eczema

Eczema is a common skin condition that causes itchy, scaly, rough, and inflamed skin. The cause of this complication is inflammation caused by an allergic reaction. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is believed to be helpful in relieving eczema. Consult your doctor before using garlic to reduce eczema symptoms.

How to use

Eat one to two cloves of raw garlic with water.

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It can treat athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot occurs due to a fungal or yeast infection. Garlic is an antifungal compound and therefore you can use it to treat the mentioned condition.

How to use

Eat two cloves of raw garlic with leek juice in the morning.

Properties of garlic for hair

In the following, we have introduced the benefits of garlic for hair.

Prevents hair loss

Hair loss is a common problem among women and men. Air pollution, impure water, bad eating habits, stress, etc. can all be the cause of this problem. Scientists believe that garlic hair gel and betamethasone valerate can prevent hair loss.

How to use

Eat a clove of raw garlic with a spinach smoothie. You can also add a lot of garlic to the fish to prevent hair loss.

Final Words

Garlic is a common food ingredient that is used because of its many healing properties. In addition to being good for the health of the body, garlic also has benefits for the skin and hair. Among the properties of garlic, as well as the properties of black garlic, which is a natural garlic product, we can treat athlete’s foot, treat eczema, keep blood pressure stable, reduce bad cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, regulate blood sugar, etc. let’s name Garlic also contains many nutrients. So add it to your diet to benefit from its properties and vitamins and minerals.


Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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