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(Images) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt

In this article, we have introduced 10 of the largest historical monuments of ancient Egypt and pictures of amazing stone buildings in very large dimensions in the country of Egypt.

According to Our History, Ancient Egypt is one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen. The ancient Egyptians ruled the lower Nile for thousands of years, after emerging as a unified kingdom around 3100 BC for about 30 years. BC, when the Roman Empire dominated Egypt, they built great pyramids and temples in Egypt.

During this long and incredible era, the ancient Egyptians built some of the most famous monuments in the world, many of which have survived through the ages.

Many of the massive monuments were dedicated to various gods or the pharaohs themselves, and were richly decorated with impressive sculptures and detailed reliefs.

Such was the genius and engineering skill of the ancient Egyptians that many of these amazing ancient monuments still stand, here is a look at the most amazing ancient Egyptian monuments.

Temple of Hatshepsut

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple is located not far from Egypt's famous Valley of the Kings, this huge and almost modern structure is built impressively at the foot of the cliffs rising from the desert floor.

Built for the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, who died in 1458 BC, this temple has three tiers of terraces, all covered with massive columns.

Once surrounded by lush gardens, these temples were connected by long ramps with colorful reliefs of animals, plants and humans, which are seen next to large statues of Osiris.

curved pyramid

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

The Bent Pyramid located in Dehshoor, 40 kilometers from Cairo, is the best sightseeing place in Egypt and it was the second pyramid built by the pharaoh Sanfero. Mysteriously, this pyramid starts at an angle of 55 degrees from the desert and then suddenly turns to an angle. It changes gradually by 43 degrees.

One theory holds that because of the steep angle of the original, the weight that had to be added to the top of the inner chambers and passageways increased, forcing the builders to lower the angle further.

It is the only pyramid in Egypt whose outer shell of polished limestone still remains largely intact.

Djoser's pyramid

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

The step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara cemetery was the first pyramid built by the ancient Egyptians, this building was built in the 27th century BC to bury Pharaoh Djoser by his minister Imhotep.

This ancient structure began as a traditional flat-roofed mastaba, but by the end of Djoser's reign it had been transformed into a six-stepped pyramid, standing 204 feet (62 m) high, with, like earlier mastaba tombs, step-pyramid burial chambers below ground and in A maze of tunnels are hidden.

Luxor Temple

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

The Luxor Temple is located on the east bank of the Nile River in the ancient city of Thebes and was established in 1400 BC during the New Kingdom. This temple is dedicated to the three Egyptian gods Amun, Mut and Chones.

The ancient temple was the center of the Opet festival, the most important festival of Thebes in ancient Egypt, during the annual festival statues of the three gods were placed along the avenue of sphinxes connecting the 2 temples.

The great sphinx

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

The Great Sphinx, located on the Giza Plateau, is one of the largest and oldest monuments in the world, but basic facts about it, such as who modeled the face, when it was built, and by whom, are still debated. It is the largest monolithic sculpture in the world, although it is significantly smaller than the surrounding pyramids.

Despite conflicting evidence and views over the years, the traditional view of modern Egyptologists continues to hold that the Sphinx was built around 2500 BC by Pharaoh Khafre, the supposed builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza.

red pyramid

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

The Red Pyramid, built by the pharaoh “Senferu”, is the world's first successful attempt to build a “real” pyramid with a flat side. At 104 meters high, it is the fourth tallest pyramid ever built in Egypt.

What makes the Red Pyramid special today is the lack of population in the Giza plateau at that time and the unanswered reason for building the building in that area, and the relatively impossible access to enter it, unlike other Egyptian pyramids.

Valley of the Kings

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

The Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where tombs were built for kings and distinguished nobles of the New Kingdom for nearly 500 years from the 16th to the 11th century BC.

This valley contains 63 tombs and rooms, the size of which varies from a simple pit to a complex tomb with more than 120 rooms.

The royal tombs are decorated with scenes from Egyptian mythology and show clues to the beliefs and burial rituals of the period. All the tombs seem to have been opened and looted in ancient times, and only the famous tomb of Tutankhamun has survived extensive destruction. It is safe.

Abu symbol

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

Abu Simbel is an archaeological site consisting of two massive rock temples in southern Egypt on the west bank of Lake Nasser, the twin temples were originally carved into the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses the Great in the 13th century BC as a memorial. He will always be a hater for himself and his queen.

The complex was completely relocated in the 1960s to prevent them from drowning along Lake Nasser, a huge artificial water reservoir that was formed after the construction of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River.

At that time, a German team was responsible for the transfer of this ancient relic, which is one of the honors of modern engineers.


(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

Apart from the pyramids, the most popular place to visit in Egypt is the captivating Karnak temple complex, located in the Luxor district on the banks of the Nile River. Built over thousands of years, it has everything from columns and churches. Huge to lavish sanctuaries, sphinxes and obelisks.

Although construction began around 2000 BC, later pharaohs added flourishes, making Karnak now the largest ancient religious site on Earth, making exploring the archaeological site an incredible experience with amazing sights such as the Hall. The Great Hypostyle is in the Temple of Amun-Ra.

Pyramids of Giza

(Pictures) 10 of the biggest historical monuments of ancient Egypt///

Arguably the world's most famous landmark, the Pyramids of Giza are located on the outskirts of Cairo, overlooking the endless sands of the Sahara. “, the Great Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest and only remnant of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

More than 2 million blocks of stone were used to build this pyramid over a 20-year period around 2560 BC. It is 139 meters (455 ft) high, making it the largest pyramid in Egypt, although the Khafre Pyramid in It looks bigger up close because it is built at a higher height.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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