Science & Technology News

Iran has 8 operational and telecommunication satellites in space/ communication with Mehda is established

Hassan Salarieh, head of the Iranian Space Organization, announced in the description of the Mehda satellite that this communication satellite is now in perfect health in orbit and is transmitting its data to the earth.

Salarieh said in a television interview: At dawn on Sunday, the 8th of Bahman, three Iranian satellites, Mehda, Hatef, and Kihan, were placed in the elliptical orbit of the Earth by the Simorgh satellite. In the first few minutes, we managed to communicate with Mehda satellite and received its signal.

He said: The satellite is in perfect health and its data reaches the ground. These three are research satellites. There are satellites or operations that seriously transmit a service to the earth, such as the Khayyam satellite, which is now working and sending information. The other category is research satellites. These satellites do not serve a specific people or organization, and their ultimate goal is to provide services to the group that created it.

Salarieh said: Mehda satellite is a telecommunication satellite that has a power supply and distribution subsystem. This satellite gets its power from solar energy. Receiving this energy is gentle and simple on earth, but in space, the situation is different. The equipment chosen for the satellite must be very resistant so that it does not suffer in weather conditions.

The Deputy Minister of Communications stated: For this reason, this satellite needed technical and complex equipment that could meet the needs of the satellite under special conditions, which was the responsibility of Mehda satellite subsystems. The operation of the satellite in orbit adds the knowledge and experience to the satellite manufacturer to fix it in operational versions if there is a problem.

The head of the Space Organization added: Iran has various operational and telecommunication satellites in space, and their number reaches eight. Iran's space industry was formed in the eighties. In 1987, the first Iranian satellite “Omid” was put into orbit, which was an important point in the country's space industry. After that, other satellites were launched, some of which have reached the end of their lives.

Salarieh emphasized: Research satellites are important for us because they can remove the obstacles of operational satellites. We also have detailed laboratories on the ground and conduct various tests, but the conditions of space are different.

He pointed out: One of our serious strategies is to launch communication satellites, especially at low altitudes. Low-altitude telecommunication satellites have been on the market for several years, and the world's largest companies are building and injecting them into orbit. Its use is data transmission, which can sometimes provide broadband services.

Stating that now we have telecommunication and measurement satellites under construction, he clarified: The satellites that were injected into the orbit along with the Mehda satellite have many applications. Hatef and Kihan are in the class of telecommunication satellites and technologies such as Internet of Things (data transmission and communication between user and equipment) are tested in them. If we want to evaluate the forest area in terms of temperature, humidity and weather conditions, we can use the technology of Hatef and Kehan ​​satellites. Sensors that are placed in the forest receive and transmit with a subsystem to the data center in the same area. The data center must receive the message and transmit it to the data center through the communication with the satellite.

Mhd Narayan

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