Middle East News

Israel's deterrent power against Iran has ended

According to the report of the international group of Tasnim News Agency, Mohammad Al-Hindi, the deputy secretary general of Islamic Jihad, emphasized in an interview: “New rules have been formed today, and Iran's response is actually an early warning to Israel in the region.”

He said: Netanyahu wants to drag the region into war, but he is talking about a decisive reaction that will not lead to a regional war, how is this possible?!
The weight and strategic position of Israel has decreased at all levels.

Al-Handi clarified: “The balance of power in the world is changing, and now America is not in its best condition, and Israel cannot dominate the region.”

A senior official of Islamic Jihad said: Israeli crimes in Gaza and Palestine are carried out under the cover and support of the West, and Westerners are involved in these crimes, but a new stage is emerging that requires a revision of calculations.

Mohammad al-Hindi continued his interview with Al-Mayadeen and said: “Gaza is the most painful area for Israel, and his image has broken the face of this regime, because the battle in Gaza is a confrontation with groups that, despite the siege, tame their own weapons.” .

He emphasized that Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of this regime, wants to drag the region to war. At the same time, he talks about a decisive response that will not lead to a regional war, but how will this be done?

El-Handi added: America does not want a regional war, especially in this election year.

This Islamic Jihad leader pointed out: Americans and Israelis want to return the prisoners at the lowest cost, but the issue of the prisoners will be a trump card in our hands.

He added: The paper (agreement proposals) presented in the name of the mediators is clearly the paper Israel is considering, and some terms in it are deceptive.

The deputy leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad emphasized that Israel's deterrence against Iran has ended and that this regime is facing a real problem, while its options are also limited.
Israel's face and image, as well as its strategic position and weight, have weakened, and many countries will reconsider their calculations regarding this regime after the end of the war.

Regarding the response of the resistance to the proposed plans, Mohammad Al-Handi said: The resistance presented its response and its position was completely clear and clear, because the resistance considers withdrawal (from the Gaza Strip) as a necessary thing, which is also necessary to establish a ceasefire. It can be done gradually.

The Islamic Jihad official further said: The Israeli regime will have to pay the price of this agreement due to field failures. We have more time ahead for “Israel” to realize that it must pay the price for this failure.

end of message/

source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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