Philosophy for Childrens

Philosophy for Children Part Eleven: Daniel Dent and the computer!

Dent says that a computer’s “mind” consists of its programs and processes, not human thoughts and feelings.


Daniel Dent is a great philosopher who says: A computer is like a thinking machine!


He thinks that the computer can do things like the brain but in a different way. Think of a computer as a super smart calculator that can learn new things at the same time. You know how you can tell a computer what to do by typing on the keyboard or with the mouse? It’s like giving instructions to a calculator. A computer can remember all the instructions you give it and use them to solve problems.


A computer can perform various tasks quickly, such as playing games, showing movies, or helping with homework


Although the computer is very intelligent, it does not have feelings and emotions like us.


Dent says that a computer’s “mind” consists of its programs and processes, not human thoughts and feelings.


So, although computers are really interesting and useful, they are still different from us in important ways. Daniel Dent believes that computers are amazing tools that can think in their own way, but are not completely human-like.


Of course, there is an important issue. What is the meaning of thinking?


If we know what the definition of thinking in humans means. It might be easier to talk about whether computers can think or not.


Think Station:

  • Will there come a day when science can define all human feelings, emotions and desires as functions of the brain? If not, why?
  • What do humans do that cannot be explained by brain functions?


A Short story:

Once upon a time in a space station, a robot named “It” worked as a waiter.


Residents of this space station used to talk to him while having breakfast and meals.


It sometimes gave interesting thoughts and tips to the astronauts. They always wondered if it could understand things like a real human or have feelings and emotions like a human?


What do you think?

Mhd Narayan

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