Philosophy for Childrens

Philosophy for Children Part Thirteen: John Locke and experience

Locke thought that we are all human but the experiences we have make us different from those around us.


John Locke was a wise man who lived a long time ago. He said that people change with age.


Locke believed that when we are born we are like blank paper with nothing written on it.


As we grow older, we learn new things and have different experiences that shape us. Locke thought that we are all human, but we have experiences that make us different from those around us. Among the experiences are the things we learn and feel. These are the things that make us unique. He also believed that the surrounding environment plays an important role in making us who we are.


For example, if we have kindness around us. We may also be kind. But if we live among bad people. We will probably be misbehaved too. When we are little, we don’t know much. But as we grow up and learn new things, we change.


However, the way we live, the things we learn, the people we meet and the experiences we have determine the shape of this change and lead to our growth.


Therefore, it is important to: be kind, learn new things, treat others well in order to be the best version of ourselves.


Children! Have you ever seen a distant friend or acquaintance after a long time and he said to you: “I didn’t recognize you.”


This has happened to most of us. Especially when we are young and growing.


Well of course you know that you are the same person before. But wait. How are you sure that you are yourself? As you grow older, your cells are constantly being destroyed and regenerated. Your mind is constantly acquiring new information. But you are still yourself. Why?


John Locke says that our knowledge of ourselves is the most important evidence that we are what we were.


Think Station:

  • Are you the same person you were five years ago?


A Short story:

Once upon a time, a boy named Elias lived in a busy village. Elias Dost discover the secrets of nature. One day, when he was sitting under a big oak tree, he asked himself why people behave like this. Some are kind to him. Some are bored. Others are grumpy.


He remembered what his teacher had said about John Locke, the philosopher who believed that people are born as blank slates. Elias thought about this and realized that people can learn and grow from their experiences just like a blank canvas. They experienced things that others did not. Therefore, their behavioral model is the product of their growth and education.


As time passed, Elias observed how his own actions and choices shaped his character. He saw that when he was kind to others, they were kind in return. And when he worked hard on his studies, he could achieve what he wanted.


He learned that change is a natural part of life. Just like how worms turn into beautiful butterflies. He understood that every person has the power to change and grow, and if he wants to, he can become a better version of himself every day.


So with a new understanding of human change inspired by the teachings of John Locke, he sought self-knowledge and looked forward to the endless opportunities ahead.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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