USA News

Pentagon: We have expressed our concern about Niger's relations with Iran

According to Khabar Online, Sabrina Singh, the spokesperson of the Pentagon, announced today – Monday – in a statement: We have expressed our concern about Niger's possible relations with Iran and Russia to this country.

According to Al Arabiya, he also informed about the visit of American officials to Niger in recent days.

The military council ruling Niger recently announced that the military agreements with the United States, which were unilaterally canceled by Niger, were imposed on this African country by force and pressure from Washington.

According to ISNA, “Amadou Abdelrahman”, the spokesman of the military government of Niger, stated that the canceled military agreement between Niger and the United States was imposed on the country by force, and said: “The presence of American soldiers in Niger is illegal and violates all legal and democratic norms.”

On Saturday (March 26), the media reported that the government of Niger has decided to cancel the military agreement with the United States, which allowed the American military to be present in the territory of this African country.

According to the Sputnik news agency, Amadou Abdulrahman said about this agreement: “The cooperation agreement with the United States was imposed by Washington's force.” “The presence of America in Niger is illegal and violates all legal and democratic norms.”

During a recent visit to Niger, American officials accused and threatened the country's officials of signing secret military agreements and uranium sales contracts with Iran. Referring to these cases, the spokesman of Niger's military council said that the trip of the American officials was forced on Niger.

Last year, Niger's presidential guard removed then-president Mohamed Bazoum, closed the borders and imposed a travel ban. “Abd al-Rahman Shiani”, the former commander of Niger's presidential guard, announced himself as the interim leader and transitional government of this African country.


Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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