Africa News

postponed legislative elections will be held on April 29

The Togolese presidency announced Tuesday that legislative elections would be held on April 29. They should have been held on April 20 but were postponed in order to hold consultations on the new Constitution.

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Togo has rescheduled the holding of legislative elections for April 29, after their postponement in the context of the adoption of a new Constitution at the end of March, the presidency announced in a press release published Tuesday April 9.

The vote was to take place on April 20, but the Togolese government postponed them to hold consultations on the new Constitution, considered by several opposition parties as a maneuver to keep President Faure Gnassingbé in power longer.

“Date for the legislative and regional elections: Monday April 29,” indicates the press release from the presidency published after a government meeting on Tuesday.

Calls to demonstrate

Earlier on Tuesday, the government banned demonstrations at the call of opposition parties against the postponement of these elections. The opposition National Alliance for Change (ANC) party and other groups responded to the ban by indicating that demonstrations will still take place on Friday and Saturday.

Demonstrations on public roads have been banned in the country since 2022, after an attack in a market in Lomé in which a gendarme lost his life.

Opposition leaders have called on the government to reverse its reform of the Constitution which allows the National Assembly to directly elect the president “without debate”.

President Gnassingbé has been in power since 2005. He succeeded his father who spent nearly 38 years at the head of Togo after a military coup.

With AFP

Source: France24

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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