Europe News

Sweden officially becomes a member of NATO today

According to Tasnim International News Agency, after two years of complex negotiations, Sweden will become the 32nd member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) today, Thursday, March 7.

According to Euronews, Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Kristerson will travel to the United States and hand over the documents approving his country's accession to NATO to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

He is also scheduled to attend US President Joe Biden's annual speech to Congress.

The blue and yellow flag of Sweden is to be raised in front of the NATO headquarters in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, on Monday.

Russia warned last week that it would take “reciprocal measures” in response to Sweden's membership in NATO, commensurate with Sweden's participation.

With Sweden's accession to NATO, now all the countries along the Baltic Sea, except Russia, are members of this military pact.

Although Sweden is a member of the United Nations peacekeeping force, it has not participated in a war since the conflict with Norway in 1814.

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Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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