Middle East News

The alleged draft in the Paris talks is part of America's psychological warfare

The reaction of the representative of Hamas in Lebanon to the Reuters report;

Ahmad Abdel Hadi, the representative of Hamas in Lebanon, informed Al-Mayadeen that Reuters' claims in the form of leaks about negotiations to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza are part of a psychological war that fits the narrative and perceptions that the United States is trying to perpetuate.

Earlier today, a senior source close to the cease-fire talks taking place in Paris told Reuters that the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas had submitted a draft proposal for the Gaza cease-fire talks in Paris; The draft includes a 40-day halt to all “military operations” and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners with Israeli prisoners at a ratio of 10 to 1.

Stating that the resistance is not satisfied with this proposal, Abdul Hadi said: “He will not compromise on any of his demands except for a ceasefire and reaching an honorable and serious agreement.”

Abdul Hadi then emphasized that the resistance intends to reach an agreement that guarantees the demands of its people, because the Palestinians have made a lot of sacrifices, and emphasized: Israel will not achieve what it failed to achieve on the battlefield, through mediation.

“We are open to any idea from the mediators, but we are eager to maintain our key demands,” Abdul Hadi told Al-Mayadeen.

He revealed that what Reuters claimed was part of the Paris talks, was simply the US and Israel trying to give the public the illusion that Hamas endorsed them, reiterating that “everything that is shared “It is not serious, but a trick to maneuver and put pressure on the resistance.”

Reuters wrote in its alleged report that according to the proposed draft, hospitals and bakeries in Gaza will be repaired, 500 aid trucks will be allowed to enter the strip daily, and thousands of tents and caravans will be provided to accommodate Palestinian refugees. In this alleged draft, it is also mentioned that Israel will release about 400 Palestinians they have detained on the condition that they will not be arrested again, and Hamas will in turn release 40 Israeli prisoners.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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