Global Economy News

The announcement of the resignation of the American official after the moral scandal

Eviralnews, quoted by Reuters, Martin Grunberg, the head of the “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the United States” of the FDIC, finally succumbed to the pressure of the last few months after the scandal of sexual harassment and other misconduct at the banking regulatory agency, and on Monday announced that he intends to resign from his position.

Grunberg, whose five-year term ends in 2028, said he would step down after a successor is confirmed.

Sam Michel, the deputy press secretary of this organization, announced in a statement that the White House will soon introduce a person to replace him.

The resignation of Grunberg, a critical Democrat and US stock market expert who was one of the top leaders of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for nearly two decades, comes at a critical time for the company and only one year after the bankruptcy of three major banks. Many lenders in this country are still struggling to survive with the Federal Reserve raising interest rates.

At the same time, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the United States, in cooperation with other regulatory agencies, is seeking to tighten banking regulations and is working on various plans, including a controversial plan to increase the capital requirements of large banks.

Grunberg has remained in office since November, when a Wall Street Journal report revealed widespread wrongdoing at the FDIC, despite protests from several congressional Republicans and some Democrats.

A recent independent report in the US cited more than 500 plaintiffs, some of whom say senior officials such as Grunberg engaged in bullying, verbal and sexual harassment.

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Mhd Narayan

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