Psycology and Mental

the future The most common signs of obsession

Psychiatrist of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, pointing out that obsession is a psychiatric disorder, said: Obsessive disorder is very annoying for the person and the people around them, and one should be patient for treatment and ease this condition by visiting a doctor.

According to ISNA, referring to the definition of obsession, Dr. Samiye Motazadian said: Obsession is a set of unwanted, disturbing and repetitive thoughts or impulses. Obsession sufferers experience intense anxiety.

Genetic footprints in obsessive-compulsive disorder

This faculty member of the university emphasized that genetic traces are seen in most mental illnesses and noted: symptoms of obsession begin in adolescence or early 20s.

He stated that the prevalence of obsession is the same among men and women and said: When we find the root of obsession, in most cases at least one family member is suffering from this disease or related diseases. Obviously, if there is a background gene in the family, this disease may occur more or more acutely due to the environment or other factors.

The onset of obsession in middle age is almost excluded

He ruled out the onset of obsessions in middle age and added: Occurrence of obsessive behaviors in old age can make experts suspect organic or physical diseases of the patient. We hardly expect a 50-year-old woman or man to suddenly become obsessed.

Referring to the most common signs of obsession, he said: Repetitive or disturbing thoughts such as constant checking or obsession with washing are among the most common signs of obsession.

The faculty member of the university continued: Obsession can manifest itself with various symptoms, some patients may only suffer from obsessive thoughts, for example, the person constantly struggles with himself lest others are offended by my behavior or words, of course, this is the point. that these cases should be separated and daily preoccupations should not be confused with symptoms of obsession. If the stress caused by the look and judgment of others goes beyond the normal limits and creates anxiety for a person, it can be a sign of obsessive behavior.

He reminded: The most common signs of obsession are checking and washing. Also, constant worry about the possibility of hurting others and disturbing, dangerous and disturbing thoughts can be symptoms of obsession.

Moataddian said: Excessive fear of getting sick, constantly checking things, fear of harming oneself or others, and obsession with order or symmetry of objects are the most common symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Obsession and its connection with physical problems

He stated that obsession, in addition to being a mental illness, can also harm the body of the affected person. For example, some people suffer from low back pain and damage to their spine due to the obsession with order and moving things.

The faculty member of the university pointed out the common treatments for people suffering from obsessions and said: The treatment of people suffering from obsessions is usually combined drug and psychotherapy, but it should be noted that the treatment of this disease takes time and requires patience.

Children from obsessive families are at risk of suffering from this disorder

He paid attention to the impact of the environment on obsessive-compulsive disorder and said: Obsession can be aggravated in families where obsessive behaviors exist genetically, in children through learning in the environment, but genetic factors are very important in this disease. Because if only environmental effects are considered, these behaviors will disappear after the conditions improve.

At the end, Moatadyan explained that obsession is a psychiatric disease: this disease is very annoying for the person and the people around him. You should be patient for treatment, but definitely living with obsession is a painful life, so you should ease this condition by visiting a doctor.

Mhd Narayan

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