USA News

The positive vote of the US Senate on the foreign surveillance program

According to the report of Tasnim International News Agency, the US Senate voted positively to re-approve the controversial foreign surveillance program before the expiration of this program.

The program's reauthorization confirms what its proponents see as a major factor in foreign intelligence collection.

In this regard, Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer said: “Democrats and Republicans gathered did the right thing for the security of the country.” We must not let this program expire, it would be dangerous to expire, it is a critical part of our national security to stop acts of terrorism, drug trafficking and violent extremism.

A few days ago The US House of Representatives sent the bill to amend the country's warrantless surveillance powers to the Senate for approval.

The vote came amid a requirement in Congress to amend the law to add a warrant requirement to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. This bill was previously blocked by Congress 3 times in the last 5 months.

According to section 702 of this law, the country's intelligence agencies were only allowed to spy on and monitor non-US citizens living abroad, but with the addition of this provision, the government can monitor and monitor the communications of Americans who are in contact with foreigners. Monitor their activities.

While the beneficiaries of this guarantee believe that this work is necessary to protect the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, opponents of the bill stated that this work is not legally necessary and complicates the bill and prevents law enforcement based on information at the right time.

Under the bill, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act would be extended for another two years, and would include some reforms to the program, including effective screening of the number of employees who can approve the use of the 702 database to research information related to a US person. do Currently, such research is carried out more carefully.

Meanwhile, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated: This law is one of the most vital intelligence collection tools in America and Joe Biden will sign it quickly to make it effective.

The White House, intelligence chiefs and top lawmakers on the Congressional Intelligence Committee noted that not reauthorizing the program could have potentially devastating effects.

End of message/+

Source: Tasnim

Mhd Narayan

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