Fitness and Nutrition

Avoid overeating and weight gain with these simple solutions!

Ways to prevent overeating: There are various reasons for overeating. According to some researches, adults tend to overeat several times a week due to stress and mental conflicts. Many people are involved in this problem and try to stop their overeating. The first step to prevent overeating is to recognize bad habits, the reasons for food cravings and create new habits. In the rest of this fitness and nutrition article, follow Cheshak news magazine with methods to prevent overeating.

Ways to prevent overeating

Sitting and eating, consuming too many calories, gaining weight and putting health at risk may be normal for many. Many people may not have a problem with overeating and consider it a natural habit. But many others try to avoid this wrong habit and save their health.

For this reason, in today's article we want to talk about overeating and ways to prevent it. If you sometimes can't stop eating and you feel that your health is in danger, or you want to lose a few kilos and have a better body, follow the article on how to prevent overeating.

Chewing gum while grocery shopping

You may have heard that you should not shop when you are hungry. Honestly, it might even be better to pop a piece of sugar-free gum in your mouth and chew it before you hit the grocery store. According to two studies, when you chew gum, you feel less hungry, and you will no longer have cravings and the desire to eat different foods.

chewing gum

Therefore, by eating gum, you stop your appetite and stop buying high-calorie foods like chips. This way, you will be forced to return home with an empty stomach and enjoy a home-cooked meal, preferably made of vegetables.

Start with healthy foods

It doesn't matter whether you want to eat at home or at various restaurants; In any case, try to start with the healthiest foods first. Some studies have shown that people who go to restaurants usually order the first large dishes they see on the menu and generally prefer to start with heavier and bulkier dishes. Therefore, before ordering food and filling your plate, think about the options ahead.

Before going for high-calorie and heavy foods like meat and other fatty foods, try plant-based foods and vegetables or grains. By doing this, your main appetite will be taken into account for healthier foods, and once you are full, you won't have room for high-calorie foods.

Not watching cooking shows

If you want to lose weight, watching food on TV can distract you from your plans and lead you to eat colorful foods. In any case, it is impossible to see delicious and colorful dishes on TV cooking programs and not feel sad. Studies show that dieters consume more foods like chocolate and candy while watching a cooking show on TV. This is while they don't want to eat while watching other programs.

Using blue containers

It may be a little hard to believe, but the color of the dishes you eat in can affect your appetite and how much you eat. Studies show that the closer the color of the dishes is to the color of the food, the more food you will probably consume. Because when the color of the food and the plate become uniform, you don't recognize its volume and fill the dish. Therefore, you should use colors that have a strong contrast with your food.

Since blue color is not usually found in any food, it will be the best option to prevent overeating. From now on, put your food in blue containers to curb your appetite and consume less volume.

Use smaller plates and bowls

The size of your plate, bowl, or any other container you eat in tells your brain how much to eat. With this in mind, the bigger the container, the bigger the task ahead of your brain. In one study, people were studied in a Chinese restaurant. Those who ordered food on large plates had 52% more food than those who ordered smaller plates. They also ate 45% more food.

Small bowls and plates contain less volume. When you see a smaller plate full of food, your brain thinks it has more volume. Therefore, by choosing a smaller container, you can trick your brain and stop overeating and eat less while still enjoying your food.

Not listening to the call of the stomach

Eating out of boredom, fatigue, or stress can happen to many people and take over their lives. The best thing is to never listen to your gut in these situations. If you feel hungry, warm your head for 5 to 10 minutes with other activities. Then see if you still feel like eating. Most likely, this appetite will disappear and now you prefer to continue your entertainment and not worry about eating.

Hiding unhealthy foods

Hide junk foods with low nutritional value, such as candy and chips, out of sight. In this way, you may be able to stop the sudden appetite to eat these high-calorie, fatty and sweet foods. For example, one study showed that employees who had chocolate on their desks consumed 48% more chocolate than when they were a few meters away. Also, when chocolates were placed in the desk drawer, they were faced with a 25% reduction in chocolate consumption compared to when it was on the table.

However, it is better to never buy these foods and stay away from them. But if you buy, at least don't put them in front of your eyes so that you don't suddenly want to eat them. In this way, you can consume foods in a longer period of time and enter fewer calories into your body.

Buying food with cash

When paper money is out of the question, it's much easier to buy junk, high-calorie foods and sugary desserts with a piece of plastic called a credit card. Today, everyone uses these credit cards and does not see the money being spent. The interesting thing is that spending paper money always makes people hesitate and stops them from spending extravagance.

Ways to prevent overeating

For example, in one study, high school students were asked to use cash to buy unhealthy foods such as cakes and pastries. They hesitated and thought about it. In the end, most of them switched to a healthier food. So, from now on, use cash to buy various foods and treats to see the waste of money and try to spend it on more valuable things.

Order less food

A large plate can tempt you to eat more food, even if you are full or don't like the food. In one study, several moviegoers were given large and medium-sized packets of popcorn. Some of them were fresh and crispy and some of them were left and rather bad! Those who had fresh popcorn in the larger containers ate 45 percent more popcorn than those who consumed the medium-sized bags. Even those who had the large bags of leftover, bad-tasting popcorn ate 33 percent more than those who had the medium bag.

Therefore, large dishes can make you enjoy eating and without realizing it, you can enter very high calories into your body. From now on, before ordering food, remember this strategy and order a smaller dish.

Drinking water and eating more slowly

Use smaller spoons, take smaller bites of your food, put less amount of food in your mouth and then chew and swallow more slowly. Pause and waste time between each mouthful of food. Also, drink some water before meals and while eating. By doing this, you can fill your stomach and curb your appetite.

It is said that the feeling of fullness in the stomach takes about 20 minutes to reach the brain. Therefore, try to eat more slowly so that the feeling of fullness reaches the brain and stops you from eating more food and snacks. This procrastination and wasting time is a simple way to consume fewer calories and avoid overeating.

final word

Over time, eating too much can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of various diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Regardless of what your underlying motivation is for eating and how often you overeat, quitting can be difficult and challenging. Despite this, there are various strategies to prevent overeating, and now you are familiar with 10 of them. From now on, use these simple strategies to eat less food and improve your health.

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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