Middle East News

Jordan denied any involvement with the US in the attack on Iraq

On Saturday, the Jordanian army in a statement denied any participation of the country in the US attacks on targets inside Iraq.

It was this morning that the Central Command of the US Army (CENTCOM) announced in a statement that in response to the killing of three of its soldiers in Sunday's attack on the “Tower-22” base on the border of Syria and Jordan, attacks on the positions of “groups supported by Iran” in Iraq and Syria have done.

Centcom announced that it attacked more than 85 locations in Iraq and Syria at 16:00 EDT, and several aircraft, including long-range bombers that flew from the United States, were used to attack these positions.

The Iraqi government called this action a “new encroachment” of America on the country's sovereignty and announced that during this attack, the areas of “Akashat” and “Al-Qaim” in western Iraq and several civilian points in the vicinity of these areas were targeted by American fighters.

According to the statement of the Iraqi government, following this attack, 16 people, including several civilians, were injured, as well as 25 others, and some residential buildings and people's personal property were damaged.

At the same time, the Iraqi government emphasized that the US tried to mislead the public opinion after this attack and claimed that the government of this country had made previous arrangements with Baghdad before invading Iraqi territory, which the Iraqi government called this action “misleading the minds.” international public and shirking the burden of legal responsibility for this crime.

Source: Fars

Mhd Narayan

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