USA News

New York Post: Before self-immolation, Bushnell had documents about the presence of American forces in Gaza

According to the report of Tasnim International News Agency, “Aaron Bushnell”, a 25-year-old American Air Force member who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington to protest the genocide in Gaza, apparently had classified information about the presence of American forces in Gaza.

In an interview with the New York Post, one of Bushnell's close friends claimed that Bushnell told him in a call on Saturday night that he had access to confidential information about the presence of American troops in Gaza. The New York Post said Bushnell's place of service in the US Air Force was the “70th Reconnaissance, Intelligence and Intelligence Unit”.

The friend, who The New York Post said was able to confirm his contacts with Bushnell, told the newspaper: “He told me on Saturday night that we have people inside those tunnels (in Gaza), meaning that American soldiers are involved in the killings.”

Referring to the place of service of his friend, Bushnell, he said: “His work was actually information data processing. Some of the data he was processing was related to Israel's war in Gaza. “One of the things he told me was that there was information on his desk about America's involvement in the Gaza genocide.”

The death of Bushnell, who set himself on fire in front of the Zionist embassy in Washington in protest of Israel's genocide in the Gaza war, has become one of the hottest topics in the world.

Bushnell's friend told the New York Post: “He told me that we have troops on the battlefield in Gaza and that they are there and they are killing Palestinians. There are so many things I don't know, but I can tell you that there was something in the tone of his voice that told me it scared him. I have never seen such a tone from him.”

The White House has repeatedly claimed that American troops have not been and will not be in Gaza. US President Joe Biden has said that he hopes the ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas will be concluded this week.

The New York Post confirmed that Bushnell's job title was “Initiative Services Technician” by the US Air Force. However, the US Air Force has not specified what kind of security information he had access to in this position.

“He's had security clearances for four years, but as far as I'm aware, this is the first time he's broken protocol and leaked information he wasn't authorized to leak,” Bushnell's friend said. »

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Mhd Narayan

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