Africa News

Second reading of the New Constitution in Togo, a setback in the face of opposition pressure?

© france24

On March 25 at midnight, deputies whose mandate had expired since December voted for a law that changes the country's regime from presidential to parliamentary. A new constitution which aroused the anger of the opposition and civil society. Gilbert Bawara, Minister of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Dialogue, member of UNIR (Union for the Republic), the majority party, was on France 24 to present the majority's point of view.

Rwanda is preparing for the 30th commemorations of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis, which will begin in a week. Thousands of volunteers are training in first aid to care for Rwandan victims of trauma during major ceremonies, planned throughout the country from April 7…

5.4 million deaths since 1998. Nearly 7 million displaced in the country due to multiple crises. A forgotten war in which women are paying the heaviest price, 200,000 are said to have been raped since 1998. In the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo where a drama is being played out amid general indifference. Onesphore Sematumba, Great Lakes researcher at the International Crisis Group, was with us to decipher.

Source: France24

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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