Science & Technology News

The deadline to comply with Gmail's strict security rules is coming to an end

In the tech industry, lying on April 1st is commonplace. However, on April 1 this year, the news of mass rejection of emails sent to Gmail account holders will not be a joke. According to Aetna, in just a few days, the implementation of Google's new rules will begin in earnest, which may block some incoming emails. As of October 2023, Google has made it clear that new email sender authentication rules will result in some messages sent to Gmail accounts being rejected and returned to the sender en masse. Neil Kumaran, a Google Group product manager responsible for security and trust at Gmail, announced that “Starting in 2024, we will require mass senders to authenticate their emails, allow for easy unsubscribes, and raise the threshold for reported spam. comply”. Some of these new protections are set to begin in the next few days, which will have a positive impact on individual Gmail account holders. According to Google's internal statistics, Gmail's AI-based protections prevent more than 99.9% of spam, phishing, and malware-laden emails from reaching users' inboxes. It is worth noting that this statistic is equivalent to about 15 billion emails per day. However, due to some of them passing through this protection system, there was a need for new rules to prevent unwanted and potentially dangerous emails.

Source: ITNA

Mhd Narayan

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