
Getting to know the Seleucid government and its end

Seleucid government, Iran in the hands of the Seleucids, who were the Seleucids?The Seleucids, relying on the position of the Achaemenids, spread the Hellenic culture in Iran
One of the dynasties of the Greeks named Seleucids who ruled Iran in a short period of time. The most important performance of the Seleucids was their rule over Iran with Greek culture, and the construction of many historical buildings of that time in Iran was based on Greek architecture and art. In this article from head cover With Seleucid rule you will get to know

Seleucid rule

With Alexander's attack and his dominance over the Achaemenids, the Seleucids ruled Iran as Alexander's successors for some time after Alexander's death. Naturally, Alexander's political territories had to be divided after his death. Among these territories, Iran reached Seleucus and he opened a dynasty in Iran called the Seleucids.

At the time of Alexander's attack on Iran, one of Alexander the Great's most active commanders named Seleucus had managed to conquer Susa in addition to defeating it. He was able to bring the western regions of Iran under his rule by capturing the territories of Elam and Media, along with Shushu. Seleucus built a city called Seleucia as his capital near Babylon.

Seleucus used the architectural arts of the Greeks to build Sequoia, which was the most famous of the Hellenic artistic styles at that time. The period of their rule over Iran was 248 years, and they were able to maintain the entire territory of Iran in the same way until the first sixty years of their rule, but little by little, after the sixty years passed, their control gradually decreased over Iran, and the same thing. It reduced the territory of the Seleucid government in Iran.

Important Seleucid kings

By ruling over a land, kings can bring the people of that land to victory and success or destroy them and make them miserable. Both types of kings existed in the Seleucids, who ruled over vast territories for a relatively long time.

– Seleucus I:

Seleucus I was popular among the people and nobles at the beginning of his rise to power. He married the daughter of a Balkh nobleman in order to strengthen his footing and establish blood ties with the people of Iran. The Seleucids established ties with the Vispohras that lasted for a long time.

Therefore, most of the Seleucid kings have Iranian roots from their mother's side. Seleucus I when he conquered Media, Susa and Babylon; He traveled to India. At that time, the government of India was very popular and the decision of Seleucus I was to enter through the door of peace and friendship with him.

Seleucids, Seleucid government, how was the Seleucid government formedThe Seleucids were a dynasty of Greek descent

– Antiochus I:

Antiochus I succeeded his father when he died. Seleucid possessions faced many changes during his reign, while he tried to prevent this issue. Suppressing the Syrian rebellion was one of the most important achievements of Antiochus I.

He lost large parts of the lands left by his father within 9 years. Fars gained its independence in this period and rebellions took place in Balkh. Despite its independence, Azerbaijan became a base for the cultivation of Iranian culture and preserved the tradition of Madhiz.

– Antiochus II:

Antiochus II, nicknamed Theos, was considered one of the kings of Ayash, which caused the destruction of the Seleucids. During his rule, he was able to push back the Persians and tried to seize power in the city of Antioch, but was defeated by the Parthians.

During the time of Antiochus I, a movement was formed in Balkh, which took effect during the reign of Antiochus II. During his reign, Balkh was completely removed from the Seleucid Empire.

– Antiochus III:

This king was able to rule over the rest of Seleucid possessions for 36 years. He was mentioned as a cruel ruler and politician during this time. The Medes and Persians found an alliance with Balkh during his reign and started a rebellion that Antiochus III suppressed.

In other areas, such as the coasts of the Persian Gulf, he was able to neutralize rebellions and revolutionary movements, and these victories made him proud. He defeated Rome by marching towards Macedonia and paid an indemnity.

– Antiochus IV:

Antiochus IV was nicknamed Epiphanus. In addition to conquering the country, he tried to return the power to the Seleucids during his rule, but it came to a dead end and eventually, this dynasty was destroyed. The Parthians expanded their power at the same time with his campaign to Egypt and his defeat in this battle. Also, Antiochus was no longer acceptable. In fact, during the reign of this king, a large part of Seleucid possessions gained independence.

Culture and beliefs of the people during the Seleucid period

Fortunately, the Seleucids did not do anything other than changing the beliefs and culture of Iranians, and the culture of the Iranian people was very interesting to them, and they used the beliefs of the Iranian people to strengthen their foothold.

Important Seleucid kings, Seleucids, Seleucid history, Seleucid governmentDuring the period of Seleucid rule, Greek culture dominated Iran

The Seleucids at that time called their god Zeus. Of course, many Greeks accepted Greek kings as gods. Of course, during the time of Antiochus III, the worship of the dead and alive kings peaked, and gradually they formed a ceremony to worship the Seleucid kings.

It is interesting to know that the religion of most of the people of Iran during the time of the Seleucids was Zoroastrianism, but the Seleucid kings were interested in Zeus, so the Seleucid kings, in order to be closer to the Iranians and their culture, considered Zeus and Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrian to be the same, and they thought that the god of both The nation is one.

The fall of the Seleucids

Due to the war of the Seleucid kings in some borders such as Egypt, Syria, Palestine, etc., these Parshahs were gradually defeated by the Elamites, Medes and Parthians. The huge Seleucid empire was destroyed due to reasons such as internal conflicts for power within the royal family, the advance of the Roman army in Asia Minor, and the coming to power of the Arshak (Parthian) family in Parthian land.

The Seleucid Empire was a weakened and fragmented mix of heterogeneous ethnic elements ruled by a group of foreign forces and professional warriors. These people were greatly humiliated. The rulers ignored its beliefs, traditions and rights. There was discrimination in a society where locals and immigrants lived together. Because of this, local people protested in many areas. The attitude of combining Eastern and Western cultures was not realized with such discriminations.

The first experience for a western power was the history of the Seleucids in the land of Persia, who colonized a large eastern nation. They failed because they used the language of coercion, brutality and weapons, and their views on coexistence did not come to fruition. The history of the Seleucids in Iran showed that the Greek culture only indulged in drinking alcohol and indulgence along with arrogance and pride, and such a government became extinct after a short period of time.

Iran in the hands of the Seleucids, the Seleucid dynasty, an article about the SeleucidsThe Seleucids respected the opinions of Iranians

compilation: Cover culture and thought section

Mhd Narayan

Bringing over 8 years of expertise in digital marketing, I serve as a news editor dedicated to delivering compelling and informative content. As a seasoned content creator, my goal is to produce engaging news articles that resonate with diverse audiences.

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